17 February 2009

When In Rome!

People say Rome is the place to be to study architecture, well they are definately right. We've been here for a few weeks now and it's certainly opened all our eyes to a different outlook on architecture. The first week in Rome was insane, a little overwhelming actually seeing the churches, temples and ruins we've all learned about in art and history classes. As we stood in front of these famous old buildings we remained breathless and wide eyed, simply taking in the surreal factor of it all. Classes over here should be fun and exciting. Our studio, sketching class, and history all take place out in the city, really allowing us to learn the history surrounding us. The unfortunate side of that is, we attend class rain or shine. Umbrellas have become our best friends. Hint: do not buy an umbrella from the 'umbrelli, umbrelli?' guy, they break within 5 minutes of opening. Adjusting to the new life over here in Rome was interesting. Laundry must be done in SMALL amounts, this means only one pair of jeans, like 4 shirts, and a sweater. It also takes about a good 2.5 hours to finish, then must be hung to dry (dryers don't exist over here, not cool). We have no idea how to use our stove, the dials are weird symbols and the instruction manual is in Italian (go figure). It should be an adventure!

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